
CRU’s World Optical Fibre & Cable conference has experienced incredible growth since its launch in 2015. This year the conference, which is again hosted by YOFC, one of the leading manufacturers in the optical communications industry, is returning to the Optical Valley in Wuhan China on the 1-3 November. CRU is expecting over 700 attendees at what has now become established as the world’s premier event for producers of optical fibre and cable. The optical fibre and cable sector is at an interesting crossroads, as the high demand caused by the large scale FTTH deployment around the world is being replaced by new fibre requirements in data-centre network expansion and the arrival of 5G networks.


“Looking at about 40 years of optical networking history, the current phase might be characterized as the FTTH era,” says Richard Mack, CRU’s leading optical fibre and cable expert.  “That is, many telecom operators, especially those in the advanced markets, are building up or already have achieved widespread coverage with FTTH systems.  And many of these carriers are firming up plans for the next phase --– the 5G and IoT era,” he explains.

CRU光纤光缆市场首席专家Richard Mack提到“纵观光纤网络40年的发展历程,市场目前可谓处在光纤入户时代,也就是说,众多电信运营商,特别是成熟市场的运营商,正在建设或已经实现光纤入户的大规模覆盖。并且其中许多运营商正为下一阶段——5G和物联网时代的到来制定计划。”

“Some operators are saying they will have full-scale deployments underway in two to three years.  This is a huge shift in telecom network capabilities and services.  On the manufacturing side, the world’s optical fibre, cable and equipment makers are gearing up for this new era – investing in capacity, developing new products; and working with carriers on new architectures,“ continues Richard.


With the world on the brink of a major new era in information and communications technology, CRU and YOFC are structuring the programme for the 3rd World Optical Fibre & Cable Conference to focus on the major developments in optical network concepts, product requirements and manufacturing capacity.  Over three days, participants will have the opportunity to explore how the quickly evolving global telecoms industry will impact optical fibre and cable trade flows. The event also boasts a large exhibition with all of the latest technologies and services that are disrupting the entire supply chain.


Wuhan’s Optical Valley is the perfect place to gain a first-hand understanding of optical fibre and cable trends. China is taking a lead role in many of these developments.  According to CRU’s analysis, in 2016 China accounted for 57% of the world’s fibre installations, 61% of the world’s optical cable production, and 63% of the world’s fibre production.  As of year-end 2016, China also had 57% of the world’s FTTx subscribers and 941 million broadband mobile subscribers.  “This role in the world market reflects substantial investment, driven by strong commitments to broadband service and to high-tech manufacturing,” said Richard.


CRU’s World Optical Fibre & Cable conference will highlight developments in China and other advanced telecom markets to show fibre’s role in the new era.  Don’t miss the opportunity to join the most important fibre optic and cable event of the year.


The CRU World Optical Fibre & Cable conference is being held on 1-3 November 2017 at the Hilton Wuhan Optics Valley Hotel in Wuhan, China


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