2024年3月12-13日/中国上海/ ECV International
联系人: Britney
ECV International是亚洲领先的国际高端商业峰会及活动的主办和承办机构,拥有100+位行业研究、活动策划和运营专家,10+年始终致力于为客户提供高品质、国际化的商业峰会和活动服务。
我们的业务范围覆盖全球,每年定期在中国、新加坡、越南、泰国、阿联酋、法国、德国等多个国家主办60多场高水平的线上线下国际峰会,每年有6,000+ 名企业高管和专家代表参加我们的峰会。
The 4th China Digital Talent Summit 2024
Event Background
Against the background of ever-changing technology and the growing importance of digital transformation in various industries, accelerating the cultivation of digital talents and creating a mature and advanced digital talent ecosystem is the focus of enterprise development nowadays. At the same time, digital technology is an important means to achieve sustainable development of enterprises, ESG is also a necessary strategy for long-term development of enterprises, and composite talents with both capabilities are of great significance for long-term development of enterprises.
This summit discusses the recruitment of digital talents, the construction of career development channels, the design of compensation and incentive systems, the training and development of digital talents, the integration of business and human resources, the demand for digital and ESG composite people and other important issues, providing forward-looking and practical suggestions for the digital talent strategy of enterprises.
The 4th China Digital Talent Summit 2024 will bring together 120+ talent management and technology experts and executives from well-known enterprises at home and abroad to analyse talent management, technological change, corporate strategy, future trends and other perspectives, and to explain how digital talents can help digitalisation and the requirements of digitalisation on talents. So as to build an advanced and mature digital talent system, better serve the future development of enterprises, and gain a head start in the wave of digitalisation.
Event Date/ Location / Organizer
March 12-13,2024 / Shanghai, China / ECV International
The summit will be held in-person and online.
Simultaneous interpretation (mutual translation between Chinese and English) is provide.
Hot topics
HR Digital Transformation Pathway
How Digital Talent Management Can Reduce Costs and Increase Efficiency
Main Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Talent Management in Automotive Industry
Digital Talents Build Competitive Digital Retail Strategies
Digital Transformation Requires an Agile and Flexible Human Resource Management Strategy
How to Effectively Fill the AI Talent Gap
The New Era of Digital Talent Recruitment Operations
Industry Sectors
Consultancy ; Automotive companies ; Chemical companies ; Financial companies ; Pharmaceuticals ; Retail ; Artificial Intelligence & Data Providers ; Industrial Solution Providers ; Intelligent HR System Providers ; Digital Talent Training Organisations
The 4th China Digital Talent Summit 2024 is looking forward to your arrival !
If you are interested in participating in the summit, you can visit our official website or email us.
Event website: https://www.ecv-events.com/ads/DigitalTalent/index.php
Email: marketing@ecvinternational.com
About Organizer
ECV International is a leading organizer of high-end international events of all sizes with 100+ experts on industry research, event planning and management. We are committed to providing customers with high-quality and personalized service for each and every event.
Our business scope reaches out the globe. Every year, we host regularly more than 60 high-level online and in-person international conferences in Singapore, China, Vietnam, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany and other countries, attracting 6,000+ attendees from across the world— including senior management of established players, to first-time entrepreneurs of start-ups, to technical KOLs.
Our mission is to present the cutting-edge and high-quality content, build a valuable networking platform for corporate executives, and help decision makers create value and pursue excellence.
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