With the holding of the COP26, during which the commitment to achieve carbon neutrality and net zero greenhouse gas emissions was announced, the discussion on sustainable development is now more important than ever. Thai Prime Minister announced Thailand's commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2065. In order to realize the national commitment through incentives and disincentives, Thailand has started to promote the private and public sectors to understand their own carbon dioxide emissions and develop plans to reduce such emissions through various government agencies and public organizations. In addition, similar to other countries, tax incentives and tax plans are being developed and will be released to promote the country's commitment.
ASEAN Carbon Neutral Summit 2023 will invite government, consulting companies, financial institutions, industry experts, senior executives in the fields of energy, automotive, chemicals, steel, maritime& aviation, oil& gas, agriculture, to share practical cases from the hot topics such as carbon trade and tax, the latest development situation of carbon neutral in ASEAN, enterprise practice, supply chain construction, renewable energy, low-carbon technology solutions and how digitization can help carbon neutralization, provide valuable information and technical guidance for enterprises in achieving sustainable development goals and low-carbon transformation planning.
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