原定于2022年10月举办的华南国际智能制造、先进电子及激光技术博览会 (简称LEAP Expo)及同期展会启动消息一出,便获得了业界同仁的热烈反响。行业知名品牌纷纷入驻展会,业界同仁对于这场年度行业盛会期盼已久。这份期待与信任,既是一种动力也是一份责任。为更好地筹备展会各项工作,更为充分地了解展商与观众的需求,通过更全面的展现形式来呈现智能制造行业的发展点滴与创新技术应用,我们决定将LEAP Expo及同期展会改期至2022年11月15-17日于深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)举办。相信展会的档期调整,也将成就更为精彩的行业盛宴。
LEAP Expo及其同期展会一直以来依托各品牌展深耕电子、光电及机器视觉行业的雄厚资源及成功举办经验,联合行业合作伙伴,强强联手,为业界提供电子及智能制造领域一站式技术交流与采购体验。LEAP Expo 2022下辖慕尼黑华南电子展、慕尼黑华南电子生产设备展、华南先进激光及加工应用技术展览会及同期举办的华南电路板国际贸易采购博览会、中国(深圳)机器视觉展暨机器视觉技术及工业应用研讨会(Vision China (Shenzhen)),共同呈现表面贴装、点胶注胶、线束加工、电子组装自动化及机器人、半导体先进封测、半导体、传感器、电源、无源元件、连接器、测试测量、PCB、汽车电子、激光智造技术及装备、光源和先进激光器件、激光加工控制及配套系统、工业智能检测与质量控制技术 、激光加工服务、3D打印/增材制造技术、机器视觉核心部件和辅件等多个板块,推进产业跨界协同及合作,驱动新需求,引发新场景。
[Important Notice] LEAP Expo rescheduled: quality of a grand show guaranteed!
To all exhibitors, visitors, media and industry partners:
The South China International Advanced Electronics, Automation and Laser Expo (LEAP Expo) and its concurrent exhibitions originally scheduled to open in October 2022 have been warmly welcomed by the industry. Many leading brands have joined in, proving that the industry has been looking forward to this grand annual event for a long time. Such high expectations and trust have brought both motivation and responsibilities to us as organizers. Thus, in order to better prepare for the expo, to fully understand the needs of exhibitors and visitors and to better present the development of innovative smart manufacturing technologies, we have decided to reschedule LEAP Expo and its concurrent exhibitions to November 15-17, 2022 at Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an New Hall). We believe the reschedule will guarantee a more exciting industry feast.
LEAP Expo and its concurrent exhibition brands, with their rich resources and successful experience in the organization of shows concerning the electronics, photonics and machine vision industries, have always joined forces with industry partners to provide one-stop technical exchange and procurement platforms to the electronics and intelligent manufacturing industries. Consisting of electronica South China, productronica South China, South China Advanced Laser Technology and Application Exhibition, LEAP Expo 2022 and the concurrent exhibitions: Vision China (Shenzhen) and South China Circuit Board International Trade and Procurement Fair, will present the entire spectrum of electronics and related technologies, including Surface Mount, Soldering and Dispensing, Wire Harness Processing, Electronic Assembly Automation and Robotics, Advanced Semiconductor Packaging and Testing, Semiconductors, Sensors, Power Supplies, Passive Components, Connectors, Test and Measurement, PCBs, Automotive Electronics, Advanced Laser Manufacturing, Laser and Optoelectronics, Laser Processing Control and Supporting Systems, Smart Inspection and Quality Control Technology, Laser Processing Services, 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing, and Machine Vision Components and Accessories. They promote cross-industry collaboration and cooperation, stimulate new demands, and inspire new application scenarios.
We are thankful to all exhibitors, visitors, media and industry partners for your unwavering understanding and support. We will make all efforts for the exhibition, which will surely welcome a new update that brings a successful event to long-awaited industry and peers. It will be a gathering place of hot topics, solutions, innovative technologies, future trends, as well as close interaction and digitalized practice. We look forward to our meeting in Shenzhen, which will draw the blueprint for the future of intelligent manufacturing.
Your sincerely,
Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Aug.11, 2022
慕尼黑华南电子展(electronica South China)将于2022年11月15-17日在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)举办。展会立足粤港澳大湾区,辐射华南、西南及东南亚市场,将以“融合创新”为主题,聚焦智能驾驶,智能制造,物联网,AR/VR,新能源,5G,人工智能,智能家居,智慧城市,3C电子,智慧医疗,碳达峰碳中和,第三代半导体,云计算,工业互联网等热门技术应用,汇聚国内外知名企业,吸引行业优质买家及精英,为蓬勃发展的华南地区电子产业带来创新与活力,为经济复苏献力。
慕尼黑上海电子展(electronica China)将于2023年4月13-15日在上海新国际博览中心举办。展会汇聚国内外优质电子企业加入,打造从产品设计到应用落地的横跨产业上下游的专业展示平台。展示领域紧跟行业重点,并根据行业实时热点融入新的展示领域,涵盖5G、人工智能、物联网、第三代功率半导体、碳中和、碳达峰、数字化转型、工业互联网、电机驱动、燃料电池、充电技术、车联网、IC设计、机器视觉、数字能源、智慧医疗、跨界融合等技术话题。
慕尼黑上海电子展也将同期升级打造国际汽车电子、系统与解决方案主题馆(electronica Automotive China),以“驱动未来出行”为主题,从电子技术在汽车行业的应用出发,全方位呈现从产业前瞻研发技术到应用终端的汽车电子行业全产业链的技术展示平台。全面覆盖自动驾驶与智能网联、新能源汽车、测试、软件及工程服务等汽车电子新技术及行业热门话题。
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