The company said 34 models of top-loading machines made between March 2011 and November 2016 may be faulty.
Nine people have reported washing machine-related injuries and there have been 733 complaints of excessive vibration or detaching doors.
Samsung recently had to recall and halt production of its Galaxy Note 7 phone.
由于Note 7电池故障的问题,三星最近不得不停止继续生产该款手机、并在全球进行召回。
The South Korean company sought the return of 2.5 million smartphones after customers complained the Note 7 model caught fire. In September, it reported a sharp fall in operating profit following the fiasco.
在有顾客投诉Note 7手机起火之后,三星召回了250万台手机。据三星九月份的报告显示,由于Note 7的惨败,该公司的营业利润大幅下滑。
Samsung claimed to have fixed the problem, however, people continued to report exploding handsets, forcing the company to scrap the Note 7 altogether.
后来三星声称已经修复了这一故障,但是仍然有消费者报告手机发生了爆炸,这就迫使三星彻底停止了Note 7的生产。
’Injury risk’
Announcing the recall of the washing machines, Samsung said : "[This] voluntary action was driven by reports highlighting the risk that the drums in these washers may lose balance, triggering excessive vibrations, resulting in the top separating from the washer.
"This can occur when a high-speed spin cycle is used for bedding, water-resistant or bulky items and presents an injury risk to consumers."
But some customers, who are suing Samsung, allege that their machines "explode during normal use".
John Herrington, senior vice president and general manager of home appliances, Samsung Electronics America, said: "Our priority is to reduce any safety risks in the home and to provide our customers with easy and simple choices in response to the recall.
"We are moving quickly and in partnership with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to ensure consumers know the options available to them and that any disruption in the home is minimised."
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